Monday, March 23, 2015

March 19 2015
Nathans experience making marine debris sculptures.  

We are trying to bring attention to marine debris and how people could help clean up or prevent it in the first place. By collecting marine debris from beaches artists make sculptures out of the debris. I took part in making some monsters out of debris I made my little minion kind of guy out of a bowie, hat brim, sharpie, net, foam, and a bobber. He is crying and sad because he is marine debris and was left on the beach or water. We are putting them up with flyers around town at local businesses to raise awareness of marine debris. I am 18 and a senior in high school I wouldn’t call my age group environmentally smart or aware not all but most. I think the little sculptures I and others are making to put up with posters will draw more attention to them and hopefully get more people on board to keep our beaches clean and our waters. And people see a little trash here and there so they don’t think too much about it well I go out with my natural resources crew and we fill up garbage bags full of trash. I know we could cut down on that amount if just more people knew what was going on. The real numbers of marine debris we pick up and not to mention the trash that we don’t see or a bird or fish swallowed and died from eating it. And if any of that speaks out to you and you want to participate in cleaning up some of the beaches around here and learning more about it you can go online to register it is now open for 2015’s Washington Coast Cleanup, Saturday April 25th . John Schmidt is the coordinator for Coast savers and if you have questions I’m sure you could go on their website and get ahold of him to ask any questions you have.

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