Friday, June 5, 2015

Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources

Tyler's Final Report to the Tribal Council

Tyler Hansen did his final project in Natural Resources class on the turbidity level on Peabody Creek. Turbidity means the clarity of the water which is important because if the turbidity is to high then it can clog the fishes gills and they can die. the clarity of the water means health of the water if it is fogy then there is a higher chance of bugs and stuff being in and living in the water. Tyler took tests to see what the turbidity in Peabody Creek was at the mouth and farther up the stream the higher he went the clearer it got. At the mouth of the creek or near it its the dirtiest because it has had the most human interaction and sediment in it. Tyler has put all the data together and into a poster which you can find at the link bellow and you can read more about it and its far more detailed.

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