Monday, June 1, 2015

Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources

Tumwater fish traps/ Elwha council 

My fellow classmates and me just got back from Tumwater creek we were checking the fish traps to see how the fish population is doing. It does not harm the fish and we release them after checking there weight and length. the traps are wooden and plastic so there is no metal in the water so no pollutants. The traps are like a big v spanning across the creek that comes to a big PVC pipe to a wooden box that flows water out and the fish can swim around and have plenty of room. we caught 15 fish total today and that's a pretty good amount and they were all doing well so today was a success. Now the Natural Resources class is going to go out to the Elwha tribal center and present each of our projects mine was on marine debris on East Elwha beach. The numbers might surprise you but its okay they have went down and we pick up any trash we see. 

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