Friday, May 29, 2015

Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources


Natural Resources is not just a class it gets you ready for the real world. Classes at the high school do not train you to be punctual or to call if your not going to be there or fail you if you miss to much. But this class does because the class is formed for you to get job skills and well it helps you realize that a job is not like school its a lot more cut throat and not hard to keep but you have to try. I have had my fair share of not coming to class and at the high school I would just do the work and pass here you really cant make it up and you have to call to get any credit. I was really bad about calling and even almost failed the class. In the end it has helped me realize that just like this class being there being on time and not leaving early will keep you a job and to only call out when it is absolutely necessary. Thanks to this class I have a job and my employer is very happy with my punctuality and I haven't called out yet. 
Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources Options

Natural Resources class

I have been in both Natural Resources classes Monday and Thursday its a fun class and all you have to do is show up and do what your assigned or what you say your going to do. Its not exactly an easy class but its definitely not hard I would recommend it for anyone that likes nature and needs some credits. attendance is a big part of the class though and really its not hard to spend three hours writing about something you enjoy. I have been struggling with will power to come to the class and work because its my senior year so I need a job but in the end it has effected my grade in the class. Mr. Lieberman has gotten disappointed at me because I haven't been showing up but without this class I would not graduate so I do owe a lot to this class and my teacher and he helps you out if you need help and the class trains you for a job. If your not going to show up then call in and its okay a certain amount of times just like a job. This class teaches you about responsibility and to be punctual it is a great tool for after school or getting and keeping a job after school.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources

Elwha River

The Elwha River has always been a great place to go ever sense I was little and I love that they aim to restore migrating fish which aims to re-establish the populations of native fish that thrived in the Elwha River before the dams were build. Over the 20 to 30 years following the dam removal, biologists predict that populations of migrating stocks of fish will rebound to historic numbers.
The restoration strategies developed for each Elwha salmon are intended to be adaptive and flexible, and may change based on how the fish populations respond. If one strategy proves to be unsuccessful, biologists will use another in order to produce a healthy, naturally spawning population. Which means in the end the Salmon and other native fish and non native will be in record numbers and flourishing just like before the dams were put up and before we took them down.
Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources

Elwha River

The Elwha River is one of the largest, and historically the most productive river along the Strait of Juan de Fuca, emptying into salt water west of Port Angeles. But with all the dam work and everything going in it is effecting waters in town. oil, debris from the dam, and other pollutants are flowing into our creeks and river. The Elwha River provides domestic and industrial water to the City of Port Angeles, the Elwha Tribe and small community-based groups. The septic tanks around the creeks and else where if busted or leaking can stay between layers of dirt and rocks can end up in the creeks and rivers. Kids or just people that walk down to the creek wouldn't even know there playing on or touching contaminated waters.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources

Going out to do our stream keepers surveys have been a pretty interesting time every time weather its testing the waters to checking fish and cutting black berry's down. But without the help of Bryan it would be a lot harder because it would be just us kids and Mr. Lieberman so he would have a hard time keeping us on track and if you weren't there to help us then we would have not been able to do class when Mr. Lieberman had to bring the SUV down the Less Schwab to get the studs off. You helped a lot by cutting down black berry's with us and telling us what spots to look over and what to chop down. Its a lot to ask a person to volunteer but for you to go out in the field almost every time we do is a huge deal and I thank you so much for helping out and making the surveys just that much better.  
Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources

I have been going out to the Elwha Beaches for sometime now doing our natural resources surveys and early in the year it was getting dark fast and it was hard to spot trash around dusk as easily. Thank god we had a very amazing volunteer that bought head lamps for us to use incase we couldn't see. Thank you Londy for everything you have done for us even though your grandson was not attending the class you still took time out of your day to come out and help. It means a lot you always brought a happier side to the surveys not saying they weren't super fun in the first place! Apart from just volunteering and being a huge help it was fun to have your dog there to he is really cool and it made the trips even more interesting. I just wanted to say thank you for volunteering and being a n awesome person!

Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources

Port Angeles Harbor Natural Resource Damage Assessment Site Overview. Back before the Harbor was used for transporting wood and fuel and other goods the tribes used to use the water for resources. Now we use it for resources and to get shipments in and out unfortunately over time, many different activities contaminated the harbor. Industrial and municipal processes released hazardous substances into the harbor through Permitted and non-permitted discharges, Air emissions, Spills during cargo transfer and refueling, Storm water runoff through contaminated soils at upland facilities, Discharge of contaminated groundwater. The NRDA do studies to find out what is going on in our harbor so they can identify what if anything is polluting the harbor.  Recent sampling has shown that the harbor is contaminated with many toxic substances. There is evidence that this harms natural resources and their supporting habitats. This includes sub tidal, shoreline, estuary, and upland areas of the harbor. It could effect the endangered species that travel in our waters and all animals and even people. you can take a look and read a little farther into what NRDA are doing and what they have found at
Nathan Schaeffer

Natural Resources

The inaugural Rainfest Trashion Show is a pageant of wearable art of the upcycled, recycled kind, and it struts into the limelight at 7 p.m. at the newly open Rainforest Arts Center, 35 N. Forks Ave.
The Trashion Show is a good use for all the marine debris we find and others it gives it a use other than messing up the beaches or your feet. we have been giving our Marine debris to Sarah Tucker for her to make sculptures with children and teach them about marine debris and she is also entered into the fashion show. it should bring a good turnout and it helps people realize how much trash is on our beaches and a lot of the trash affects the animals like birds and fish which are important we eat fish and so do birds and birds eat insects. if we let our beaches go then we will see a decrease is population in birds and marine animals. we do our best to keep the beaches we monitor clean but we need your help with the ones we don't. I know it may not seem important but it is think of your kids or family or anyone that goes to the beach without people cleaning the beaches they would be cluttered with marine debris.