Friday, May 29, 2015

Nathan Schaeffer
Natural Resources Options

Natural Resources class

I have been in both Natural Resources classes Monday and Thursday its a fun class and all you have to do is show up and do what your assigned or what you say your going to do. Its not exactly an easy class but its definitely not hard I would recommend it for anyone that likes nature and needs some credits. attendance is a big part of the class though and really its not hard to spend three hours writing about something you enjoy. I have been struggling with will power to come to the class and work because its my senior year so I need a job but in the end it has effected my grade in the class. Mr. Lieberman has gotten disappointed at me because I haven't been showing up but without this class I would not graduate so I do owe a lot to this class and my teacher and he helps you out if you need help and the class trains you for a job. If your not going to show up then call in and its okay a certain amount of times just like a job. This class teaches you about responsibility and to be punctual it is a great tool for after school or getting and keeping a job after school.

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