Monday, May 11, 2015

Nathan Schaeffer

Natural Resources

The inaugural Rainfest Trashion Show is a pageant of wearable art of the upcycled, recycled kind, and it struts into the limelight at 7 p.m. at the newly open Rainforest Arts Center, 35 N. Forks Ave.
The Trashion Show is a good use for all the marine debris we find and others it gives it a use other than messing up the beaches or your feet. we have been giving our Marine debris to Sarah Tucker for her to make sculptures with children and teach them about marine debris and she is also entered into the fashion show. it should bring a good turnout and it helps people realize how much trash is on our beaches and a lot of the trash affects the animals like birds and fish which are important we eat fish and so do birds and birds eat insects. if we let our beaches go then we will see a decrease is population in birds and marine animals. we do our best to keep the beaches we monitor clean but we need your help with the ones we don't. I know it may not seem important but it is think of your kids or family or anyone that goes to the beach without people cleaning the beaches they would be cluttered with marine debris.

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